Job Opportunities at HBC


Group co-coordinator (STRATFORD)

We are a registered charity working with women and their children who are seeking asylum in the UK. The Happy Baby Community delivers a weekly face-to-face Mums’ and Children’s group in Stratford on a Thurdsay. We are looking for someone to co-coordinate the Stratford Group.

· Do you have lived experience of being a refugee?

· Do you have experience working or volunteering in the Community

· Would you like to support asylum seeking women & their children?

· Do you possess strong organisational skills?

· Are you able to use Excel and a client database?

This role will be responsible for organising the weekly group, including organising volunteers, developing a programme of activities for children and mothers, signposting mothers to support in the local area or internally with Happy Baby, as well as attending meetings online each fortnight and in Kennington once every 3 months. All travel will be reimbursed. The groups are designed to build a community for mothers and children to socialise, have fun, access support, learn, gain confidence and build skills.

Salary: £16.50 per hour, 7 hours per week (on a Thursday)

Click here to read the Position Description.

If you would like to discuss applying for this post, please contact our Outreach Manager, Hiwot Habtum, on

The deadline for applications is 29th May 2024. Please email your CV and a cover letter to We will hold interviews in the first week of June.